Как сделать предложение we are listening to the teacher вопросительным

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

the world of literature is very various. there are lots of different writers who create different kinds of books. my favourite style is a detective story. i like to read exciting stories about mystic crimes, clever detectives and artful criminals. so it`s not surprising that my favourite writer is agatha christie. her books are always very interesting. me favourite character is hercule poirot. he is very intelligent and keen that`s why he can solve any riddle. i think that agatha christie is the queen of crime as her language is simple and her crimes are not bloody but very intricate. i never can guess the murdere till i finish the book. some days ago i started to raed "death on the nile" and i enjoy this book very much. i advise you to read agatha christie too.

-daughter you all right? you look bad, you've got any problems?

-mom, please call your doctor and consult him about the pain in his chest. yesterday i was very cold.

-honey, the doctor asks: do you have a cough?

-yes, i have a cough. has high temperature and headache.

-now i go to the drugstore and buy you a cough medicine, and you at that time hot hour drink with honey. today, you still will go to the doctor.

Доброго времени суток! 1) отрицание we are not listening to the teacher вопрос are we listening to the teacher? 2) i am not writing on the black-board am i writing on the black-board? 3) you are not learning english grammar are you learning english grammar? 4) it is not raining cats and dogs is it raining cats and dogs? 5)he is not going to the cinema is he going to the cinema? 6)the horses are not running very fast are the horses running very fast? 7)mary is not helping her mother to cook is mary helping her mother to cook? 8)i am not working very hard am i working very hard? 9)tom's brother is not coming to the party is tom's brother coming to the party? 10)you are not singing very well are you singing very well? удачи = )

Отрицание We are not listening to the teacher
Вопрос Are we listening to the teacher?
I am not writing on the black-board
Am I writing on the black-board?
You are not learning English grammar
Are you learning English grammar?
It is not raining cats and dogs
Is it raining cats and dogs?
He is not going to the cinema
Is he going to the cinema?
The horses are not running very fast
Are the horses running very fast?
Mary is not helping her mother to cook
Is mary helping her mother to cook?
I am not working very hard
Am I working very hard?
Toms brother is not coming to the party
Is Toms brother coming to the party?
You are not singing very well
Are you singing very well?

Удачи = )

Прежде чем перейти к упражнениям, хотим поделиться с вами другими нашими проектами, а конкретнее, каналами английского в Телеграме и Ютубе.

► Real English - одна разговорная фраза в каждом посте с подробным разбором и примерами (Телеграм - канал)

► Твой Английский – грамматика английского, разбор упражнений с пояснениями, изучение слов и фраз (ЮТУБ канал)

Present Continuous упражнения

Упражнение 1

Добавьте окончание -ing к следующим глаголам:

Work, swim, come, play, lie, tell, get, take, cut, drink, make, hit, sleep, try, look, walk, serve, eat, die, sit, cry, ski, travel, smile, begin, prepare, stop, listen, shave.

Упражнение 2

Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are).

Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.

Kelly … washing her dress in the bathroom.

Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.

It … getting dark.

The birds … singing sweetly in the garden.

I … preparing for my report at the moment.

The children … decorating the hall for the party.

The wind … blowing now.

People … speaking quietly in the conference-hall.

You … waiting for the call.

Упражнение 3

Составьте предложения в the Present Continuous Tense.

Упражнение 4

Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

Molly is translating an article.

Jack and Sam are gathering pears in the garden.

It is getting warm.

We are climbing a mountain.

You are playing basketball now.

The children are washing hands in the bathroom.

My grandfather is reading a newspaper now.

My family is having supper now.

Angela is ironing her dress now.

I’m looking for my kitten now.

Упражнение 5

Составьте предложения по образцу.

Example: Tim isn’t reading now. (to sleep) - Tim isn’t reading now. He is sleeping.
Colin and Den are playing now. (to work) — Colin and Den are playing now. They aren’t working.

Pupils aren’t writing a dictation now. (to translate the text) +

Margaret is washing the dishes, (to sweep the floor) —

The days are getting shorter, (to get longer) —

My Granny isn’t reading a magazine, (to watch TV) +

My friend and me are sunbathing, (to swim) —

The kitten isn’t sleeping, (to play) +

Greg and his boss aren’t having lunch, (to read a report) +

Cliff and Julia are preparing for the test, (to dance at the disco) —

My father isn’t washing his car. (to dig in the garden) +

I’m not learning a poem now. (to write an essay) +

You are skating now. (to play snowballs) —

I’m drinking tea now. (to drink coffee) —

My father and me aren’t listening to music now. (to listen to news) +

Упражнение 6

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

Alice and Ron … (to sit) in a cafe now.

It … (not to snow) outdoors now.

We …(to wait) for our teacher in the classroom.

I … (to watch) the children playing in the yard.

The girls … (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis.

Andrew … (not to have) a rest at the moment.

Look! All the people … (to come) into the hall.

Unfortunately our experiment… (not to go) according to the plan.

Pam … (to stand) too close to the road.

The students … (not to have) a lecture now.

Her health … (to improve) day after day.

The rainforests … (to disappear) from our planet nowadays.

The baby-sitter … (not to look) after the child because the child … (to sleep) now.

Look! The guide … (topoint) at some ancient building.

I… (not to discuss) this question now.

Задания на Present Continuous

Упражнение 7

Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

We are gathering apples in the garden.

Mary is listening to music now.

I’m sweeping the floor in the kitchen.

The cat is running after the mouse.

The boys are making a plane.

The wind is getting stronger.

You’re building a nice house.

I’m taking a bath now.

A woman is feeding the chickens.

They are trying to catch a taxi.

Упражнение 8

Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

Is he peeling the potatoes? — Yes, … .

Are they walking in the park? — No, … .

Are you watching TV? — Yes, … .

Is Martin washing the car? — No, … .

Are Jane and Molly cleaning their rooms? — Yes, ….

Is the washing-machine working? — No, … .

Are you reading a magazine? — No, ….

Is Victor writing a report? — Yes, … .

Is Ann typing a document? — No, … .

Is the sun shining? — Yes, … .

Упражнение 9

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.

… Anna … (to type) the documents? — No, …. She … (to speak) to her boss.

… it … (to get cold)? — Yes, … . And the wind … (to get) stronger.

… you … (to look) through the papers? — No, I…. I… (to write) a report for the conference now.

… Bill and Mike … (to mend) the fence? — Yes,….

… your parents and you … (to rest) in the country house? — No, … . We … (to spend) our weekend at the seaside.

… Edgar … (to play) a computer game? — Yes, ….

… the phone … (to ring)? — No, …. Somebody … (to ring) the door bell.

… your grandparents … (to rest)? — No, …. My grandparents … (to work) in the kitchen garden.

… the kitten … (to sleep)? — No, … . The kitten … (to hide) somewhere.

… you … (to slice) cheese? — No, I …. I … (to mix) the vegetable salad.

Упражнение 10

Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.

Упражнение 11

Переведите на английский язык.

Они сейчас украшают комнату.

Мы сейчас не готовим ужин. Мы убираем кухню.

Анна не плавает сейчас. Она играет в волейбол со своими друзьями.

Вы слушаете меня? — Да, я слушаю вас внимательно.

Сейчас я отдыхаю в саду.

Мой брат ищет какую-то информацию для своего проекта.

Они сейчас не красят крышу дома. Они ремонтируют ворота.

ДЖейн сейчас принимает душ? — Нет, она готовит завтрак.

Вы моете руки? — Да.

Твои друзья готовятся к концерту? — Да, они сейчас обсуждают костюмы.

На улице идет дождь.

Упражнение 12

Помогите потерявшимся словам найти их предложения. Впишите слова подходящие из предложенных: sitting, is, are, am, playing, are, dancing, is, running, are

1. It raining now.

2. Look, my dog is towards me.

3. My parents sleeping now.

4. Now I am basketball.

5. Nick writing a letter to Santa Claus.

6. We learning English.

7. My cat is on the chair.

8. Alex and Nick watching TV.

9. The girl is with the boy.

10. I calling my father.

Упражнение 13

Напишите предложенные слова в местах пропуска: am not, climbing, aren’t, drinking, isn't, cooking, aren’t, lying, is not, jumping

1. Mary playing piano now.

2. My mother isn’t a cake.

3. We walking in the park now.

4. I talking on the phone.

5. Grandmother isn’t tea.

6. My dog isn’t on the floor.

7. He swimming in the pool.

8. They painting the sea.

9. The squirrel isn’t on the tree.

10. The horse isn’t over the fence.

Упражнение 14

Мы делали много дел, а теперь сидим и отдыхаем. Помоги составить предложения о том, что мы НЕ делаем сейчас, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

1. We (sing) the song.

2. Jack (play) computer games.

3. You (cook) dinner.

4. I (go) to the shop.

5. My father (wash) the car.

6. Barbara and Susan (write) the exercises.

Упражнение 15

Подберите недостающие слова: is, taking, aren’t, crying, skating, Are, going, am, is, playing, Is, knocking

1. they to the cinema now?

2. I in the park.

3. Why your baby ?

4. We football now.

5. he a shower now?

6. Who at the door?

Present Continuous упражнения для детей (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Упражнение 16

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous

He (eat) an apple

Natalia (write) a letter

Anna (to have) breakfast

They (to go) at work

They (listen) to music

She (sit) on a sofa

Tom (to play) football

Cats (to drink) milk

She (to read) a book

Упражнение 17

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем продолженном времени

I am ___ now (run)

My wife is ___ the dinner (make)

He is ___ on the chair (sit)

They are___ (stay)

Tom is___ her (help)

She is ___ her parents (visit)

I am___ a newspaper (read)

I am___ a car (drive)

Упражнение 18

Составьте предложения во времени Present progressive

football / play / he

Irina / trousers / wear

cook / we / breakfast

I / drink / coffee

wash / I / my hair

wait / for a bus / he

Marina / have / a shower

Present Continuous упражнения с ответами

Упражнение 19

Переведите предложения, используя Present continuous tense

Я делаю домашнюю работу

Ирина играет на гитаре

Том ведет автобус

Он ждет автобус

Она ведет машину

Я сейчас работаю

Альбина читает газету

Упражнение 20

Напишите вопрос и отрицание к предложению

They are having launch

She is doing housework

He is having a shower

They are playing football

Masha is reading magazines

Marina is wearing skirts

They are visiting their parents

Kris is working

She is sitting on a sofa

Упражнение 21

Образуйте специальный вопрос к предложению

My friends are doing housework (what)

He is going to a shop (where)

She is cooking a cake (what)

She is waiting for a bus (what)

Anna is wearing trousers (what)

Masha is walking in a park (where)

You are waiting for her (who)

They are eating bananas (what)

Mark is driving a car (what)

You are watching TV (what)

Упражнение 22

Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в форме Present continuous

play, wear, use, get up, have, dance, read, watch, go, wait

They ___ dinner

Anna ___ the piano

She ___ for a bus

Larisa ___ not ___ books

I ___ to the gym

She ___ on a scene

___ you ___ a watch?

Упражнение 23

Допишите окончание -ing глаголу

Упражнение 24

Дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответы на заданный вопрос

Are you reading?

Is she going to a shop?

Are they playing?

Are Mark and Tom waiting for a bus?

Is he working now?

Is Marina having a shower?

Are children doing housework?

Are you listening to music?

Are they dancing?

Present Continuous exercises

Упражнение 25

Вставьте am, are или is

She ___ watching TV

___ they eating tomatoes?

They ___ waiting for Sara

Where ___ he going?

What ___ they drinking?

Katrine ___ crying

___ he cooking soup?

She ___ wearing skirts

Упражнение 26

Какие из этих глаголов не употребляются в настоящем продолженном времени

Упражнение 27

Определите в каких предложениях используется время Present continuous

He isn’t reading

What are you doing?

Is he a student?

Упражнение 28

Complete the sentences

1. I __ (watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favourite team __ (win)!

3. Someone __ (swim) in the sea.

4. Two people __ (cook) dinner on the beach.

5. We __ (not watch) a soap opera.

6. I __ (not do) my homework.

7. Mum __ (read) a magazine.

8. My brother __ (not listen) to the radio.

9. Dad __ (not cook) dinner.

10. Tara __ (talk) by phone.

11. Joe __ (play) on the computer.

12. Who __(watch) TV?

13. Tina __ (do) grammar exercises.

14. I __ (eat) a pizza.

15. We __ (sit) in the classroom.

16. I __ (not write) an email.

17. Amy __ (not go) to school today.

18. We __ (not have) fun today.

19. My team __ (not win) the match.

20. My parents __ (drive) to work now.

21. __ they __ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.

22. __ you __ (learn) English? Yes I am.

23. __ Helen __ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.

24. __ Sarah __ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.

25. We __ (not play) basketball.

Упражнение 29

Complete the sentences

1. Trina __ (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We __ (wait) for you!

3. I´m on a bus and it __ (not move).

4. When __ you __ (come) to see me?

5. I __ (sit) on a bus.

6. Pete´s mother __ (not have) a burger.

7. John´s friends __ (play) football at the Sports Centre.

8. My best friend __ (sit) next to me.

9. I __ (not wear) something blue.

10. My teacher __ (not stand) behind me.

Упражнение 30

Complete the sentences

1. I __ (learn) how to swim.

2. I __ (eat) my lunch.

3. I __ (watch) television.

4. She __ (read) a book.

5. Dad __ (bake) a cake.

6. My sister __ (listen) to music.

7. Peter __ (clean) his car.

8. The dog __ (bark) in the garden.

9. We __ (sing) our favourite song.

10. My brother and I __ (play) a computer game.

11. The teachers __ (show) us a film.

12. They __ (bring) a TV in the classroom.

13. She´s bored. Her friend __ (watch) TV again.

14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea __ (win) the match.

15. I´m scared. A big dog __ (stand) in front of me.

16. She´s happy. She __ (not work) today.

17. I´m worried. It __ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.

18. The teacher is annoyed. We __ (not listen).

19. What __ you __ (wait) for? I´m __ (wait) for John.

20. __ it __ (snow)? No, it __ (rain).

21. What __ you __ (do) today? We __ (go) to the park.

22. __ you __ (listen) to me? No, I __ (listen) to the radio.

23. __ you __ (watch) TV? No, we __ (study).

24. What __ you __ (do)? I __ (do) my homework.

25. __ they __ (sleep)? Yes, they are.

Present Simple Present Continuous тест

Упражнение 31

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. He (to work) in the city centre.
2. I (to write) an essay now.
3. You (to go) to school on Sundays?
4. We (not to dance) every day.
5. They (to play) in the hall now?
6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village.
7. He (to sleep) now?
8. They (to read) many books.
9. The children (to eat) cakes now.
10. He (to help) his mother every day.
11. You (to play) the piano well?
12. Look! Michael (to dance) now.

Упражнение 32

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Her father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired.
2. Where your uncle (to work)? – He (to work) at school.
3. Your friend (to do) his homework now?
4. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at four o’clock.
5. My sister (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the evening.
6. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment?
7. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the dentist’s now.
8. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio?
9. You (to play) chess now?
10. My father (not to work) at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer.
12. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
13. What your friend (to do) now? – She (to wash) the dishes.
14. Your grandfather (to work) at this factory?

Упражнение 33

Переведите на английский язык и раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. (NOW)

2. Они не читают.

3. Она не работаем.

6. Они не играют на пианино.

7. Я не пеку торт.

9. Ее сестра не спит.

10. Бабушка не пьет чай?

11. Твои друзья пьют кофе?

12. Она работает за столом.

13. Я пишу письмо.

14. Я делаю упражнение.

15. Мальчики не плавают в бассейне.

16. Они играют в футбол?

17. Моя сестра моет пол.

18. Моя подруга помогает своему ребенку.

19. Ты помогаешь папе?

20. Ученики читают интересную историю.

21. Они читают книгу.

21. Она идет в школу.

23. Твоя бабушка кушает конфеты?

24. Джон готовит ужин.

25. Билл бегает в парке.

Упражнение 34

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

3. Мы не работаем.

6. Ник и Майк играют в футбол.

7. Кэйт играет на рояле.

9. Моя сестра спит.

10. Папа пьет чай?

11. Твои родители пьют чай?

13. Она сидит за столом.

14. Мы делаем упражнение.

15. Мы не купаемся.

16. Они игра­ют во дворе?

17. Нина и Энн моют пол.

18. Ник помогает маме.

19. Ты помогаешь папе?

20. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу.

21. Они идут в школу.

22. Вы идете в школу?

24. Твоя бабушка идет в магазин?

25. Он поку­пает конфеты.

26. Что делает твоя сестра?

27. Где играют дети?

28. Почему ты смеешься?

29. Куда они идут?

30. Что несут эти мальчики?

Present Continuous упражнения

Получайте отличные результаты в короткий срок

Индивидуальный подход в обучении. В основе обучения лежит реализация ваших целей под руководством наших опытных преподавателей.

Педагог поддерживает и мотивирует вас на протяжении всего срока обучения.

Гибкий график позволяет обучаться в удобное для вас время. Получайте знания вне зависимости от обстоятельств.


1 - we aren't listening to the teacher. Are we listening to the teacher?

2 - I'm not writing on the paper. Am i writing on the paper?

3 - You aren't learning english grammar. Are you learning english grammar?

4 - It isn't raining hard. Is it raining hard?

5 - He isn't going to the cinema. Is he going to the cinema?

6 - The horses aren't running fast. Are the horses running fast?

7 - Mary isn't helping her mother to cook. Is Mary helping her mother to cook?

8 - I'm not working hard. Am i working hard?

9 - Tom's brother isn't coming to the party. Is Tom's brother coming to the party?

Образование и употребление Present Continuous с упражнениями.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Present Continuous - настоящее длительное время

Времена группы Continuous указывают на процесс, действие, длящееся в определенный момент в прошлом, настоящем или будущем.

Время Present Continuous обычно указывает на процесс, длящийся непосредственно в момент речи. На это могут указывать контекст или такие слова, как now (сейчас), at the moment (в текущий момент) и т.п.:

Sally is doing her homework at the moment – Салли сейчас делает домашнее задание.

Dad and me are fishing now - Мыспапойсейчасрыбачим.

Образование Present Continuous

I am playing We are playing

You are playing You are playing

He / she / it is playing They are playing

Am I playing? Are we playing?

Are you playing? Are you playing?

Is he / she / it playing? Are they playing?

I am not playing We are not playing

You are not playing You are not playing

He / she / it is not playing They are not playing

Для того, чтобы поставить глагол в форму времени Present Continuous, требуется вспомогательный глагол tobe в настоящем времени и причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола.

Tobe в настоящем времени имеет три формы:

am – 1 лицо, ед. ч. (I am shaving.)

is – 3 лицо, ед. ч. (He is reading.)

are – 2 лицо ед. ч. и все формы мн. ч. (They are sleeping.)

Личные местоимения и вспомогательный глагол часто сокращаются до I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re.

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) можно получить, прибавив к начальной форме значимого глагола окончание -ing:

jump – jumping, live – living

В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол выносится на место перед подлежащим, а значимый глагол остается после него:

Why are you laughing?

Are you using this dictionary?

Вы используете этот словарь?

В отрицательных предложениях за вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицательная частица not. Формы is и are при этом могут быть сокращены до isn’t и aren’t соответственно.

Radio is not (isn’t) working.

Радио не работает.

Случаи употребления PresentContinuous

Указание на процесс, происходящий непосредственно в момент разговора:

The doctor is conducting an operation now.

Врач сейчас проводит операцию.

Описание характерных свойств человека, часто с негативной окраской:

Why are you always interrupting people?

Почему ты вечно перебиваешь людей?

He is always shouting at me.

Он всегда на меня орет.

Запланированное действие в будущем, часто с глаголами движения:

We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.

Мы приземляемся в Хитроу через 20 минут.

Английские глаголы, связанные с восприятием (notice, hear, see, feel . ), эмоциями (love, hate, like . ), процессами умственной деятельности (think, believe, understand . ), владением (have, possess . ) не используются во временах группы Continuous, потому что они сами по себе обозначают процесс. Вместонихиспользуетсявремя Present Simple:

I hear you, don’t shout.

Я слышу тебя, не кричи.

I love pancakes.

Я люблю блинчики.

Present Continuous Tense. Упражнения (уровень базовый для начинающих)

Упражнение 1. Добавьте окончание -ing к глаголам ниже и, таким образом, превратите их в причастия. Переведите причастия на русский язык.

ПРИМЕР. sing – петь; singing – поющий

read, write, take, sit, play, look, swim, jump, run, go, do, buy, help, eat, clean, make, speak, sleep, listen, talk, fly, lie, die

Упражнение 1.1. Добавь окончание -ing к глаголам, распределяя их по строчкам в соответствии с написанием. Упражнение нужно выполнить письменно.

Come, clean, swim, do, write, make, shop, live, sing, run, dance, play, work, sit, sleep, take, have, eat, jump, cry

  1. cleaning, ______________________________________________________
  2. coming, _______________________________________________________
  3. swimming,_____________________________________________________

Упражнение 2. Напишите глаголы, от которых образованы данные причастия. Переведите их на русский язык.

  1. reading – _____________
  2. living – _____________
  3. showing – _____________
  4. giving – _____________
  5. cleaning – _____________
  6. opening –_____________
  7. sitting – ______________
  8. taking –_______________
  9. standing –_____________
  10. saying –_______________

I. Учимся составлять утвердительные предложения в Present Continuous

Упражнение 3. Вставьте нужную форму вспомогательного глагола BE (am, is, are) в предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

  1. My friend __________reading a book.
  2. I _________drinking tea.
  3. They _______ making noise.
  4. He ________looking through the window.
  5. She ________helping about the house.
  6. We __________ watching TV.
  7. Granny _________cooking dinner.
  8. The birds __________swimming on the lake.
  9. The dog ________sitting at the door.
  10. It _________looking at me.

Упражнение 4. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы глаголы стояли в Present Continuous. Каждый раз добавляйте слово подсказку now или at the moment.

1. I open the door ( Present Simple ). 2. The cat sleeps on the mat. 3. The bоуs write letters. 4. We sing songs. 5. Mother makes a cake. 6. The bell rings.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. It (rain) all day. 2. I (play) the piano now. 3. Mary (come) to see us. 4. The boy (climb) the tree. 5. The baby (drink) milk. 6. My friend (speak) English.

II. Учимся задавать отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous

Упражение 6. Перепишите предложения, используя сокращенную отрицательную форму глагола BE.

1. They are not working in the garden now.
2. Mother is not having dinner now.
3. Granny is not sleeping now.
4. I am not listening to the radio now.
5. The boys are not making noise now.

Упражнение 7. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1. We are listening to the teacher. 2. I am writing on the paper. 3. You are learning English Grammar. 4. It is raining hard (сильно). 5. He is going to the cinema. 6. The horses are running very fast. 7. Mary is helping her mother to cook. 8. I am working very hard (много). 9. Tom’s brother is coming to the party. 10. You are singing well.

Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-действие в скобках в Present Continuous. Используйте сокращенные формы be (am not, isn’t, aren’t).

1. Bess … (not help) about the house now. 2. My friend … (not play) the piano now. 3. We … (not listen) to music. 4. The father …. (not work) in the garden. 5. The boy … (not ride) a bike. 6. He … (not look) at the pictures in the book. 7. Richard and Henry … (not swim) in the river in summer. 8. He … (not have) tea for breakfast. 9. She … (not make) a cake. 10. Kate … (not dance) now.

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